Blog Archives

Brioche Cinnamon Rolls Revisited

I wrote here about the recipe that is the backbone of our King Cake experience for Carnival season. In that post, I linked to someone else’s posting of a recipe that’s apparently from a book. The website where I found

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Posted in recipe

Bread, Part 2

Way back here, I started compiling some of my experiences with store-bought gluten-free bread products. Here’s what I’ve learned since then, sorted by bread type. Sandwich breads: Do you remember the traumatic sandwich bread experience I mentioned in the previous

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Posted in must-have ingredient

King Cake (Rolls)!

  I moved to southern Louisiana three years ago, and king cake is a tradition here. It’s a very specific kind of bready treat, made during Carnival season. There’s family recipes, cultural rules and just general affection for and loyalty

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Veggie Sausages!!!

There’s not much fake meat I can eat, as almost all of it depends specifically on wheat gluten for its texture. We’ve just experimented with a great recipe, though, that’s yielded a yummy, firm sausage with a lot of flexibility

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Sandwich Breads!

D’you like… bread? I’ve now tried six different gluten-free sandwich breads… not counting some traumatic ones from last year, that put me off sandwich bread for ages and whose name I’ve blocked out of memory. Yes, I’ll share those as

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Posted in must-have ingredient

Food Successes

Hi all! I’ve got two food successes to share with you. First, my honey and I are closing in on a green bean casserole recipe that we can both make and eat — which means, of course, that it’s as

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Posted in must-have ingredient